Points to note : |
1. A player should be registered online in all applicable categories. |
2. Certified copy of Birth Certificate is mandatory with every form. |
3. Bone Test Certificate is mandatory for a player participating for the first time in U-16 & U-19 category. |
1. |
Association Name |
: |
2. |
First Name
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
(Enter first name in sentence case for eg: Sunil) |
3. |
Father's Name
: |
(Enter middle name in sentence case for eg: Mohan) |
4. |
: |
(Enter last name in sentence case for eg: Gupta) |
Your Name to appear in the Score sheet as
(This field is compulsory)
: |
5. |
Add Photo
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
6. |
Residential Address
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
(Enter address in sentence case) |
7. |
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
(Enter city in sentence case) |
8. |
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
9. |
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
Phone |
10. |
Phone 1 |
: |
11. |
Phone 2 |
: |
12. |
Mobile |
: |
Other Details |
13. |
Email ID |
: |
14. |
PAN No. |
: |
15. |
Passport No. |
: |
Birth Details |
16. |
Birth Date
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
(Click on select to add date of birth) |
Cut Off Dates |
Under 16 |
Born on or after 1-9-2008 |
Under 19 |
Born on or after 1-9-2005 |
Under 25 |
Born on or after 1-9-1999 |
17. |
Attach Birth certificate |
: |
Place Of Birth |
18. |
Village |
: |
19. |
District / City
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
20. |
(This field is compulsory) |
: |
19. |
Passport Number |
: |
20. |
Date of issue |
: |
21. |
Date of expiry |
: |
22. |
Place of issue |
: |
Style of batting / bowling |
21. |
Batsman (This field is compulsory) |
: |
22. |
Bowler (This field is compulsory) |
: |
23. |
Wicket Keeper |
: |
24. |
Under Age Group (This field is compulsory) |
: |
25. |
26. |
Age group to be verified on the basis of Medical Test (Bone test).
Applicable for U-16 and U-19 fresh male players only.
Please attach bone test report. |
27. |
Hon. Sec |
: |
The information given above is true and correct |
28. |
Place |
: |
29. |
Date |
: |