Click on the age group in which the
player is registered
Scan images at 100 dpi
Upload images with name of the player.
for e.g. Player Name:Sachin Damle
Image file name:sachin_damle.jpg (file extensions may differ,
e.g. .jpg,.gif etc.)
The following file formats can be attached as an NOC
.jpg, .gif ,
Click on browse button, this will open a new window
Now select the file on your computer and click on upload.
It will now upload and display the image
It will display a message "NOC has been uploaded"
Now click on CONTINUE to complete the proccess
Eureka you have done it
Note: Scan images at 100 dpi
The following file formats can be attached as an Medical report
.jpg, .gif ,
Click on browse button, this will open a new window
Now select the file on your computer and click on upload.
It will now upload and display the image
It will display a message "Medical report has been uploaded"
Now click on CONTINUE to complete the proccess
Eureka you have done it
Note: Scan images at 100 dpi